Due to the interest of the mass media in covering the accident that happened on the Kyiv-Kharkiv-Dovzhanskyi highway in the night on February 9-10, 2022, we hereby report the following:
1. The vehicle with license plates found at the scene was driven by a driver who works for one of the DCH support services. At night, heading to Kharkiv to park the car, the driver hit an obstacle in limited visibility conditions. Thus, he did not recognize the nature of the obstacle during driving. In the morning, the absence of the license plate and other circumstances of the case were discovered. Authorized officers notified the police, and the driver immediately arrived at the police station for questioning. He is cooperating with the investigation and awaiting preventive measures.
2. On February 10, 2022, under the work schedule formed at the beginning of this week, Oleksandr Yaroslavskyi flew to London to meet with his family. The DCH President’s commentary on this accident: https://www.objectiv.tv/objectively/2022/02/10/ya-spal-doma-i-utrom-tolko-uznal-ob-etom-yaroslavskij- commented-dtp/